Bike Hayward Maps

Hayward Traffic Victims Map

This past September 6th, Hayward resident Chris Peña got hit and killed by a driver while biking home from work. To ensure we honor his memory, we are on the final steps of installing a ghost bike memorial for him. 

Unfortunately, he's one of many road traffic victims in Hayward, and we want to ensure that all these other victims are also remembered. So we decided to start a virtual memorial by building an interactive map of all fatal crashes in Hayward since 2012. 

We were able to make this map happen with data from The Injury Mapping System from UC Berkeley and by crowdsourcing information with our Bike Hayward & Bike East Bay team. 

And one of the goals with this map is to help city and county officials prioritize safety improvements on the streets in Hayward that need it most

This map also shows multiple data factors that show why that the East Bay Greenway should be kept on Mission Blvd instead of rerouting it to Whitman, not just be providing information of fata crashes, but also the lack of connectivity for people leaving east of the railway tracks. This doesn't mean Whitman doesn't need improvements, but we believe that those improvements should be prioritized using Safe Routes to School funds and the funds for the East Bay Greenway be used for Mission Blvd since it would require a much larger investment to significantly improve safety for all: drivers, people biking, pedestrians, etc. 

Our last chance to stop the proposed realignment is on December 7th at the Alameda CTC Commission meeting: 

Map Layers